This powerpoint explains the benefits and dangers of the sun.
It explains what UV light is and its dangers.
looks at how the eye responds to light
Looks at how we can protect our eyes from these rays.
has a comprehension at the end as well as a hands on task through the powerpoint where they have to look at a partners eys and how it changes to the light.
This complete lesson explains what reflection is and how light moves in straight lines.
It looks at how reflective materials are used as safety
children to test which materials reflect the light the best
After the test they are going to answer some comprehension questions on what they have learnt
This powerpoint goes through how to keep our teeth healthy.
It recaps the name of each tooth.
It then discusses what happens to our teeth when we eat/drink sugary things.
has an experiment to complete with the children - eggs in sugary drink and water. What happens?
Once completed i would get the children to write up the experiment.
This is a complete lesson on different types of rocks
This powerpoint includes:
key vocabulary
quick questions to gather what they know already
looking at the three types of natural rock - igneous (intrusive and extrusive) , sedimentary and metamorphic rock
goes into more detail on each rock with a link to a short video for each one
the task at the end is to fill in the missing words to complete the sentences
This is one full lesson with cloze procedure at the end.
Included is a discussion on what light is.
how light is a form of energy
Looks at man made and natural sources of light including bioluminescence in animals. Also how the moon is not a light source.
Includes what is dark.
At the end there is a cloze procedure which is differentiated three ways.
This lesson discusses white light and how it splits into seven colours.
Know what a rainbow is and how it occurs.
looks at how a prism splits the light.
includes the mnemonic Richard of york gave battle in vane - to help them remember the order of the rainbow
What rainbows represent through history
Questions for the children to answer after the powerpoint
Here is a lesson all about muscles. I made this for a year 3 class.
The lesson includes:
WALT: know why we need muscles to move
chnildren re taught about how muscles allow movement - look s at the 3 types of muscles found in the body - skeletal, smooth, cardiac. with a description
There are a couple of links t videos within the powerpoint to watch and make notes on.
The powerpoin then moves onto looking at pairs of muscles that work together - particulary the tricep and bicep
The chn then have two sentences with missing words to complete about the bicep and tricep
Chn then have a comprehension to complete
This includes six session, these include:
lesson 1 - light
steps to success- Recognise that you need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light.
Know that there are natural sources of light and man made sources.
Explain that you need light in order to see things.
Know the meaning of different idioms related to light.
lesson 2 - reflective surfaces
steps to success - Explain reflection.
Identify reflective materials.
Select the most reflective material for a purpose.
lesson 3 - sun safety
steps to success - Explain the benefits and dangers of the sun.
Explain about UV light and its dangers.
Describe ways to protect our eyes from the sun.
lesson 4 - rainbows
steps to success - Know that white light consists of seven colours - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
Know that a rainbow occurs when it is sunny and raining.
Know that light can be separated into different colours with a prism.
lesson 5 - shadows
steps to success - Explain how light travels.
Know what opaque, translucent and transparent means.
Sort different materials depending on if they are opaque, translucent or transparent.
lesson 6 - changing shadows - this is an investigation on how a shadow changes when you move the light source further away.
steps to success - Explain how a shadow is formed.
Plan and set up an investigation into the way shadows change size.
Observe patterns in the way shadows change size.
Explain the patterns I find.
Each lesson has idioms included related to light and these are recapped each session.
These are available individually if wanted. please check out my shop :)
This lesson explains how light travels in straight lines
looks at opaque, translucent and transparent and what each of them means.
children have to complete an activity where they have to test different materials and put them in a table depedending if they are opaque, translucent or transparent
This is an investigation: how do shadows change when the distance between the light source and the object changes?
Firstly it talks about how we make shadows and what a shadow is.
It then goes through the investigation step by step - starting with the question, what equipment, how to make it a fair test (looking at independent and dependent variables), the results and then the conclusion.
It takes the children through step by step as they write it up in their books along the way.
This powerpoint recognises that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.
Starts of with a key vocabulary slide which i expect them to know by the end of the lesson
section 2 - key facts
section 3 - why should we protect elephants
section 4 - what is endangering elephants in africa - discusses climate change, ivory trade and deforestation
section 5 - what is being done to protect the elphants
activity - children to write a short piece using all of this information - there is a slide with reminders on for them
This powerpoint gives a general background about animal species in the world, has an example of a classification of an animal.
then looks at how we classify them - plants and animals
vertebrates and invertebrates - this then branches off into the 5 main vetebrate and what makes them a mammal, fish, bird, reptile or amphibian.
Then it branches off the invetebrate into arachnid, molluscs and insects and what makes them these things.
A classification chart (vertebrates) is at the end and i would give them this to copy into their books to create their own classification key.
As a challenge i would get them to add in more questions to seperate the animals further.
The animsla i have included are african animals as that is our topic but could easily be swapped for other animals and it would still work
This Science lesson looks at the four main parts of a flowering plant
It goes through the roots, stem, flower and leaves. It is shown labelled on a picture and then it explains the function of each part
The task for this lesson is to create a folding leaflet and they have t explain the function of each part. There are pics included of how this should look
Here is 6 week lesson on shell structures.
I have linked this to our pace topic and the final product is a satellite.
Lesson 1 - learning about satellites and what needs to be included.
lesson 2 - what are shell structures - matching nets to 3d shapes and practising making 3d shapes
lesson 3 - plan satellite
lesson 4 and 5 - make satellite
lesson 6 - evaluate satellite
each lesson includes key vocab slides, designer discussion, lesson and work to be completed